Tuesday, 21 October 2014

My Leap of Faith !!!

Leap of faith !!! That's what it was for me, when I got into information security.

Currently the level of awareness for information security is very low in developers.

The coding practices followed by most developers today are far from the recommended best practices.
Its just amazing how vulnerable the application becomes just because of poor coding by the developer.
And this is just one face of information security, network Security is another story altogether.

I think one of the major challenges for the information security domain is the lack of awareness.
Lack of awareness works in both ways for us.
In cases such as social engineering attacks, lack of awareness does help penetration testers,
but it also works against us when the top management sees information security as a burden to the organization. Most of the time they learn the lesson the hard way after a security breach.

I was just lucky enough to have a go at this, a career in penetration testing. And I'm sure the challenges that it brings with it, will keep me wanting more.

Keep Rocking !!!

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